1.01 What is secularism (Part 1) - Presentation
This resource can be used either as a primer for a wider exploration of secularism or to give a short overview of key secularist issues. It is suitable for assembly, while resource 1.02 is more suitable for a classroom discussion.
The stimulus material sets out some of the things that secularists notice about religion and society that lead to the foundations of secularism, which are defined. The exercises explore students' pre-existing knowledge and invite discussion.
Politics | Religion & Belief Education | Citizenship | SMSC | Philosophy
Key questions
- What is secularism?
- How do secularists think about religion?
- How do secularists think about decisions?
Learning outcomes
Students should demonstrate they can:
- Understand the basic definition of secularism.
- Understand the concerns and basic questions that secularism seeks to address.
- Understand the relevance of secularism to subjects they are familiar with.
- Offer basic opinions on the key concerns.
In addition to the basic learning outcomes, students should demonstrate they can:
- Offer opinions on the concerns and basic questions that secularism seeks to address, drawing on a range of examples.
- Understand the relevance of secularism to key social debates.