1.19 Glossary


This resource makes use of the glossary to explore a basic understanding of key terms and their use in real life conversations about secularism, religion and belief. This can be done either class using the slideshow or as individuals or groups using the worksheets. This resource can be used to round out a study of Theme 1 – Core Principles, as a quick overview or for reference.


Politics | Religion & Belief Education | Citizenship | SMSC

Key questions

  • What is secularism?
  • Is secularism a form of atheism, agnosticism or humanism?
  • What are religious privilege, tolerance and discrimination?

Learning outcomes


Students should demonstrate they can:

  • Understand and correctly use a range of key terms related to secularism.


In addition to the basic learning outcomes, students should demonstrate they can:

  • Understand and use a range of key terms related to secularism in a variety of contexts.
  • Explore how competing understandings of key terms impact debates regarding secularism, religion and the rights of others.

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